Sunday, July 5, 2009

Students, teachers, schools and ingredients...

Five Ingredients:
CURIOSITY: Curiosity needs to be provided for in the classroom, if children are not engaged in their learning (curious), then their investment will not be complete and therefore their education not what it could be.
STRUCTURE: Although free play and active discovery are important there still needs to be structure in order to give children (and teacher!) a feeling of security and comfort within the classroom.
RESPECTFUL COMMUNITY: Students and Teacher should develop a mutual respect amongst themselves so that open sharing of ideas can take place.
PASSION: If a teacher’s got it, chances are the students will get it as well…it is contagious you know.
LOVE: A love for both students and your profession is necessary to do the job well. If you are not in love with what you are doing chances are it won’t last long.

I believe children need love, support, structure, fun and passionate learning to make them active and involved learners.
I believe teachers should provide the best teaching they can for their students, while at the same time giving them structure and compassion. Teachers also need to be advocates for their students, fighting for what they feel is best practices.
I believe schools should be environments where children feel safe and cared about. They should also assist teachers to make sure they are providing the best for their students. Schools also need to be active members of the community, offering support outside of school where it is needed.

1 comment:

  1. so I can't figureout how to put up my own post, so mine is going here :]

    5 ingredients for a great classroom :)

    Passion - a passion for teaching and the things you teach. The teachers passion generally rubs off on the kids, and having passion for something is generally a good thing ;)

    Community- A good community is a good support system.

    Respect/Trust – respect and trust in a classroom gives a safe environment for the children to express their emotions, wonders etc. and provides a better learning experience.

    Play – without some fun, you'll burn out. A fun experience is one that kids won't forget, combine that experience with learning, and it's even better!

    Purpose/Reason – Dewey mentions the importance of purpose, the idea of combining the play with the learning experience. There should be a reason for the experiences you provide

    I believe that children need: love, care, fun, and a safe environment in which they can learn and grow

    I believe that teachers should: enjoy what they do, and provide the best for the children

    I believe that schools should: have the children's best interest and support the children and teachers
