Tuesday, July 21, 2009



Although acutely aware of many of my privileges due to the color of my skin, McIntosh’s essay certainly made me all the more aware. Some of things I had never even thought about, which is another one of my privileges…because, I never have had to. Although I grew up in a neighborhood that was made up of mostly minority and lower income people, I was given opportunities many of them were not. I was privileged from birth. From the very beginning I could go most places or say almost anything without having to wonder how I was being judged. I did not worry that whatever choices I made personally would be attributed to the color of my skin. Reading through McIntosh’s article makes me want to apologize, not for the privileges I have been granted, but to those who have not been able to receive them. In a perfect world everyone would carry their knapsack and no one would even notice. Unfortunately, this is not a perfect world so; I must do what I can. I as a teacher must encourage my students to question what is, while doing so myself. I must break down stereotypes and encourage critical thought. I must accept that I have been privileged and instead of apologizing for it, I must use it wisely. I must teach my students in the best way that I can.

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