Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bee bop bee bop bee bop boop

Yup, it's 3:19 am and I am still working on homework. This is indicative of many things. The first - I poorly planned my homework load for tomorrow and have therefore been spending many the hours homeworking it up. The second - the (evil) television has had many a great programs on demand this week. The third - the (sometimes evil?) internet has a plethora of interesting websites to peruse. 

Therefore for this blog post I shall not lament the passing of our time together in Zalika's class, but rather harold in the new classes, knowledge, homework, board games, alcoholic beverages, and fun that we shall have together with some of my late night findings. 

My favorite thus far is Miss Debbie's "Daycare."

This kind of seems too good to be true and I'm interested in how it really works...

Neat, neat, neat.

Okay, so I actually am done with homework and now can't sleep. Hmph.

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