Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Its hot

I have enjoyed reading everyones responses on the blog and I agree with a lot of what everyone is thinking and feeling. I have really enjoyed this class and have learned a lot. I am really excited to see everyones art reflection and classroom map tomorrow. I think everything I had to say I have already poured out into my art and my final reflection so I will keep this short, besides that, its really hot! It’s really weird for me that this class is coming to a close, in so many ways it feels like it just started. Like Michelle, I enjoy quotes so here are two:

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead

“Can I ask, what do you mean by the whole giraffe?”


  1. I agree with all the comments from everyone about how quickly this is all going, the occasional "i dunno if this is really what I wanna do", and ITS HOT! Maybe about two weeks ago I remember thinking this is going on forever and being tired, now that I look back, I wonder where all the time went, and HOW can we be done already?! I feel like there is still so much I could learn, but I also feel like I'v gained so much.
    I'm getting another boost of energy knowing that we've survived a little chunk of grad school together, and I'm pretty excited to continue more with my lovely cohort :)

  2. Yep, Anne, and I'll bet you're getting another boost of energy from your fourteenth pot of coffee!

