Tuesday, July 14, 2009

It's just so much easier to write it

Hi all. Yesterday was a very interesting day, bookended with crying (for me anyway). I cried in the morning from laughing too hard and I cried in the afternoon from being touched by what many of you shared. I didn’t feel the need to speak my own “I am from. . .” but I do think that knowing where someone is from helps you understand where they are now, and I admire everyone who did speak and the courage that took. Mine's a little sad, but I largely blame that on the mood I was in when I wrote it. That being said, here it is.

I am from Waldorf where color, movement, art, and shearing sheep come together every day.
I am from imagination where fairies, Santa Claus, true love, and happiness flit about ready for the catching.
I am from two people, a man and a woman, brought together by lust and circumstance.
I am from a house on 27th street where rainbow flags and chanting “ohm” taught me peace and acceptance.
I am from drive-in movies, with homemade popcorn, and a single mom.
I am from divorce and broken relationships that fall away as if they never were.
I am from wine, good cheese, chocolate, cardboard bread, and steamed zucchini.
I am from hot summer nights of sleeping outside unable to see the stars but knowing they are there.
I am from a republican and a democrat.
I am from being the oldest and the youngest depending on whose house I'm at.
I am from hurt, and learning how to stick up for myself.
I am from surprise parties, and sleep-overs, and homemade Halloween costumes.
I am from kibitzes in desert lands and welfare checks in much nearer ones.
I am from a distracted sister and a heartbroken brother, neither of whom I know how to reach.
I am from step-parents. One of whom loves me like a mama bear and one who is making an effort.
I am from emotional disconnect, insecurity, and uncertainty.
I am from Abigail, and Abbie, and Ab, and Abinsnail Lea Fudgewart.
I am from my loved one’s snugglin’ arms.
I am from me.


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you shared, Abbie. I really liked reading what you wrote. Thank you.
