Monday, July 13, 2009


I agree with what everyone has said already about today's exercise about who we are. Indeed we are everything and nothing that has happened thus far in our lives. As many of you know I attended the Oregon Country Fair over the weekend. This was a very meaningful event in my life and I couldn't help but see the educational aspects involved everywhere I turned. It was one huge Multiple Intelligence gala. Everywhere I roamed I learned so much about about science, music, nature, art, politics, society, socialization, humanity, peace, love, happiness and much much more. Needless to say it was amazing for me to experience and I felt a severe case of "reverse culture shock" today being back in "civilization" and especially in the readings I've been doing for Zaher's class.

I wanted to personally thank each of you for sharing about yourself today in class. I tried to take the role of listening today instead of speaking, which is not always easy for me to do. I'm really proud of everyone. I know sharing was not easy for some of you. I think it's amazing that we've grown to where we can trust each other as a cohort and share some of the things that were said. I also think it's important to think about our future students who will all have "baggage" they are coming in with in some variation, but unlike us today, will not share it with the class. It's important to be compassionate and understanding towards everyone because we never know what's happening in their personal lives when they are not at school and what their day to day struggles are.

Again thank you all for sharing with me.

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