Love: To love even the most challenging students, I like to think of different animals for students and remember that they are all little cubs wresting to understand the big ideas in the world around them. My sister and I used to fight a lot and all we wanted was to get along. We had to figure out how to build a bridge of understanding toward one another. She would say to me, “Your enemy is your greatest teacher.” Through many discussions and inner insights we have become very close. Then I also realized that whenever I am angry or frustrated, I remember that there is some ‘gem’ in the midst that I must find.
Listen: Listening sounds so simple but I think it is very important to teach positive listening schools, where students learn to clarify what they heard and to help clarify what they want to say. This is also important for the staff and administrators to model and take time for.
Character: So much of what we talk about is driven by standards that it is easy to forget the biggest goal of all: Building Character. It happens whether we address it or not, it is a part of the classroom climate. I think that applying Gardner’s philosophy is a simple and natural way to address character. It opens kids up to their strengths and gives them a language to explore character development. Then allowing students to create skits and model different roles gives them a chance to experience different characters than they may usually be exposed to.
Respect: If students see respect modeled throughout the school from the administrators to the janitors than students will easily pick up on the idea that everyone is needed and respected in a community. I think it is important to give students many opportunities to work with their peers and in multiage groups to practice applying it, in a sincere manner.
Curiosity: When a person is really open to learning, does curiosity really ever stop? Once I was opened to learning, really learning, I understood that I could learn from everyone every day! I also then realized the importance of ‘down’ time and that it takes some quiet reflection to analyze and synthesize the information.
I believe . . .
Children need lots of love and patience. I believe that they need time to be children and need caring adults to discuss the big ideas in life. They need some one who can give them honest feedback and share with them the thinking and reflecting skills to co-create their lives.
Teachers should listen to the children; advocate for them, and behind all lessons, the teacher should make the goal known: Our children can change the world! Indeed they will.
Schools should be community centers where all are welcome. They should be near to the post office, library, grocery stores, and parks. Schools should be an active part of sharing resources with those family in need the most.
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For some reason I'm having a hard time too. 5 ingredients are....
I really believe as a teacher or a student, it's necessary for both to be able to work together from the moment we meet as a class. We need to discover what teamwork is and what it takes to make us all feel comfortable and motivated in our learning environment.
Without fun, learning would be a chore. Children need to enjoy themselves in the process to help retain what they're learning. Creating an interactive plan will only enhance their experience.
structure -
In order for children to learn, they're going to need some sort of guidelines in order to reach their goals. If there is a purpose or motive for kids to follow or reach i really believe they will reach out through their experiences and connect to their surroundings.
The community you come from can reflect a lot of who you are and what your motives are. If you can learn to work with the community you're a part of whether you're supporting them or they're supporting you, I really believe they can act as a backbone in your development.
Curious is something you are from the moment you become a conscious being. When we're exploring we're learning, we end up discovering who we are based on curiosity and it's something we experience on a daily basis. Where would be without curiosity?
Children need guidance, to be challenged and stimulated, but they also require us to listen to what they need.
As teachers we need to be passionate when it comes to teaching. There will always be obstacles and we will constantly be learning from them.
The school works as a community for children and I really think schools need to focus around the kids needs inside as well as outside of the classroom providing inspiration and motivation.