Sunday, July 5, 2009

I can't think of a title...

Wow, choosing 5 is tough when there are so many ingredients that go into creating a wonderful classroom environment! The top 5 that I have chosen are: 1. Clear expectations, 2. Free play, 3. Safe environment, 4. Time for creativity, and 5. Flexibility. My explanations for each are below.

1. Clear Expectations- I think that it is imperative that each student understands what is expected of him/her in order to create a successful classroom. These expectations range from how they should conduct themselves and behave in class, to what they need to be bringing (abstractly speaking) to class each day. I want my kids to understand early on that I expect them to get some concepts really easily, struggle through other subjects, help each other out and be compassionate for and respectful of their classmates.

2. Free Play- Time for free play is so important to me to have included in my classroom. I whole-heartily agree with Vygotsky that children need time to play and explore their imaginations in order to create new language skills and learn more about the world around them.

3. Safe environment - What I mean by creating a safe environment is creating a space that is not only physically safe for children, but emotionally and mentally safe as well. I want my kids to feel comfortable making mistakes, asking questions and being themselves. I love the idea of doing ice-breakers with my class in order to get them all comfortable with being silly in front of each other in an accepting and warm environment so that they can carry that with them through difficult subjects in school and aren't afraid of asking questions or being wrong.

4. Time for creativity- This ingredient goes hand-in-hand with the idea of time for free play. I hardly remember being allowed time for creativity beyond creating specific art projects for specific holidays. I'd love to create a time if not everyday, at least a few times a week where I can put some music on in the classroom and my students can paint, draw, write, sing, dance or do whatever they are inspired to do.

5. Flexibility- I think it's extremely important for teachers to remain flexible with their plans in order to best reach their students. If a topic has been designed to go in one direction and it goes in another, that needs to be something that the teacher can flow with and mold to best benefit his/her students.

I believe children need...
Children need stimulation, visual, mental and emotional. They need to be allowed to create, sing, play and learn in an encouraging environment. Children need love, food, water and shelter and those who do not have those met outside of school need compassion. Children need structure and goals, they need to feel able and responsible. Children need to feel competent and valued.

I believe teachers should...
Teachers should create comfortable, stimulating, though-provoking, friendly, and inviting classrooms for both children and their parents. Teachers should encourage their students to make mistakes and learn from them. Teachers should provide opportunities for growth, they should be in control of their classrooms and lessons and flexible enough to allow for impromptu activities. Teachers should keep a pulse on their classroom and students by observing and talking to them, they need to make sure each student is safe, healthy and getting what they need from the school. Teachers should be a resource for parents and children alike and teachers should be an active, progressive voice in their community.

I believe schools should...
Be much like the classroom I described above: inviting, stimulating, clean and friendly. Schools need to be a safe place for children to come and provide students in need with the resources, food, clothing and a place to go for help. Schools should be active within their districts, meaning they should host caring and knowledgeable staff members that are politically savvy. Schools should provide equal opportunities to all students, no matter race, gender, or class. Schools should encourage and celebrate diversity and make all children feel welcome and represented.

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