Monday, July 13, 2009

I come from Cohort 3

It was a privilege and honor to hear people's stories today. Thanks especially to those of you who shared personal and painful memories that have shaped the person you have become.

My hope is that in the coming year we will all keep growing together and shape new memories. In addition to all of the theories and readings we will have absorbed in that year, we will take one another into our classrooms. Your insights, advice and friendship will carry and boost me when I am eventually alone in that classroom.

We also need to carry this exercise with us as a reminder about the uniqueness of each of our students. They will have pasts that shape who they have become. They will have trials and tribulations that have forged and will forge their memories. We need to seek out and meet the students where they are, and never forget that our experience, and our world view, will be different from theirs.

We also need to recognize that we will be helping them shape new memories to carry with them. How can we work to make sure they are good ones? How do weinsure that the students carry forward the ones we form with them in ways that help them grow in confidence and knowledge? As Lisa Delpit emphasizes, we need to be aware of the power we will possess, especially as mostly white and privileged educators: "Those with power are frequently least aware of - or least willing to acknowledge - its existence. Those with less power are often most aware of its existence." We must use it with care.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, Michael, it was a privilege. Everyone was very generous and inspiring. You make a good point about remembering the role we play in building memories for our students. I'd also like to remember how vulnerable and flawed you can feel as a student and make sure I tread carefully.
